Saturday 10 September 2011

Misuse of Boys and Booze

Misuse of Boys and Booze
 The First Night of Festival TWENTY-ONE

Some might think that it seems a bit strange that I'm so excited about being 21 - or they might think it's a bit Over-the-Top but since it conincided with the ending of that infamous rule about no boys or booze it seemed like a great excuse to vamp up the party and go a little bit crazy!!
So this is/was the Event!! 
On the 10th of September 1990 a yellow baby popped out of her wailing mother a whole month too soon. Twenty-one years later it''s TIME TO PARTY in Chapel Hill as the yellow baby is now all growed up and not-so yellow.

Festivities begin on Franklin Street on FRIDAY for a BAR CRAWL all the way from one end to the other, continuing for as long as we can stand.

The SATURDAY is the more important day- because it's my actual birthday you see - venue to be confirmed by the lovely and wonderful Lillie Cochran - for a houseparty where I'm wondering how many vats we can fill with concoctions to get all y'all legal-in-the-UK-but-not-in-NC as merry as any British drunkard.

Everyone is welcome - all of the wonderful people I've met through Rush, all the people I've met in ADPi and the other various houses, all the people from the various house parties, Lexis and Mark please invite the rest of the people I met because I loved so many of them etc etc. Let's just all get together and have the best weekend of silliness we can. 

We looked pretty nice and normal early on in the night... But we didn't really succeed on doing a real bar crawl (but then those usually do end in failure at some point) and I've definitely lightened up on how much I can drink - darn the laws that have pretty much kept me sober since I arrived!!! 

 It's probably pretty fair to say I lost my inhibitions quite fast.

But then so did John May!!!

 We had a great night - starting at Kildares and not really leaving and then heading to Top-of-the-Hills Back Bar. Both of them are awesome and since Kildares genuinely harks back to it's Irish roots (it was a little bit like an inauthentic Brass Monkey) we Brits felt very much at home!! The Back Bar is kind of interesting though - it's covered in chalk writing and has table games taking up most of the space. I remember rather vaguely perching on the arm of a chair...

 Anyway, I'm sure second impressions will give us a bit more clarity.

On a different note it was amazing to wake up this morning, Swagger Jagger still on the brain and banging out its beat on the inside of my skull,  to see the video (on the right) on my facebook wall. Thanks to John Martin you all can see my life spanning out in front of you. From the yellow baby to only a week ago, I'm horrified, amused, nostalgic and amazingly happy when I go through that video. I can't believe I'm so old! And that so many almost forgotten memories are still around in photographic form (slightly concerning maybe?).  

Massive love to the family and the Nicholls, the Martins, the Wallaces, granny and grandpa, granny Max, all the other Allners and Nolans, the kids in Zealand watching the Rugby, the Stewerts, my Shmoo and my Person, Mia (wonderful shortbread om nom nom), everyone who features in this video alongside me and all the wonderful friends that are plaguing my facebook wall with Happy Birthday comments. Thank you so so so much for everything and even though I wish that everyone could be here for tonight as the festivities continue, I just wanted to let you all know that I love you lots and will see you soon!!

Right now I need to go shower and take of yesterdays make-up. Urgh how grimy.

But OH!!! Before I forget!!!

I'm in a SORORITY!!! I got AD-Pi!! Arrrrrggghhh I'm aaan ADPirrraaaattteeee!!! HOW EXCITING!!!! You can expect a post on that soon!!!

Je serai poète et toi poésie, 

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