Sunday 13 May 2012

Day Two - Off to Yosemite

Day two – 13th May -  Off to Yosemite

The adventure begins properly today – after a whirlwind tour of San Fran with the group (classic photo opportunities of course) and then it was off and away to go to Yosemite (YO-SEM-IT-EE not YOZ-I-MITE). We travelled the four hours from San Fran to our campsite just outside the official National Park. It was lovely albeit a hard, rocky, dusty ground to pitch up on. However, the scenery around us was exquisite. Mountains surround us, pine forest and rivers. Maggie cooked dinner for us when we arrived and we all puttered about doing round about things – playing pool (which I suck at by the way) and dipping our toes in the water.

Dinner was hilarious.

There were several benches around our campground when we arrived and as we set up it was absolutely fine, pulling two together so we could all sit together. Only, one bench didn’t like it when one person sat down without anyone else to balance out the other side. So, of course, after failing to learn our lesson the first time, we managed to upturn the thing four times (meaning my wine was pretty much nourishing the ground rather than me and I’m fairly certain the boys lost a beer or two.

Not a lot to do though, even though seeing the stars like this is wonderful and the rush of the nearby river lulls you into a sense of calm. This is nice, even though the ground is hard as anything and the mats do little to help.

Tomorrow we’re hiking up to the Vernall Falls (3miles) and then maybe up to the top of Nevada Falls (7hours). I’m a little concerned that I’m not as fit as I was but I’m determined to do this. It’s going to be great!

Je serai poète et toi poésie,

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