A New Blog
Post-Bemoaning Poetry Classes
After wailing about my teacher and his caustic attitude, a description that means: a personality that's reminiscent of the sound made by fingernails on a blackboard when the silence was ever so much nicer, I decided to actually DO something about it. I have started a new blog - all about writing and books and stuff so that for those of you that really do just want updates about the ins-and-outs of my life over here in America/general (because you either have nothing better to do or you're my mother) then you don't have to be plagued with updates about nothing but words, words and more words.
It's designed with Brett Helquist illustration from The Series of Unfortunate Events, so if you see Violet anywhere on this blog then you can usually click her and it'll take you over to The Daily Scribble (aka ScribbleReview).
Anyway, on with the rest of everything else.
The main thing that's happened this week is, sadly enough, the beginning of The Daily Scribble but I think if you're interested you'll follow the link over there without me saying any more. However, there's also been some interesting developments which I'll quickly share with you now.
Fiona and Andrea were the two others in the same position and they've now sorted themselves - Andrea's going to fly back home for the break and Fiona's been invited by a Pritchard girl to join her at a house on the beach somewhere. Since I want to also go with Maggie, I've sort of been left behind. It's not a problem so much as it's sudden and I've had to change my plans from imagining going with a group to just a pair, but it can be done and will be done over the next two days. I'm thinking a cruise to the Bahamas.
Jess S. and Lexi K. are now on the other side of the Atlantic for the semester. With Jess in Spain and Lexi in my own beloved Edinburgh, there were two spaces at the Excellent 304. These have been taken up by Kelly and Jess.2, both of whom are equally as lovely as their predecessors, though we still miss the originals desperately. Jess and I bonded over a ridiculous American show called 'Strange Sex'. Did you know there was fetish for balloon popping? No, neither did I.
We've also made lots of new international friends as there's been an influx of new arrivals this semester - particularly from Kings College, London. There's not as many Aussies this time round but those that remain are just a funny and drunk as ever!!!
Fiona has moved rooms. JEALOUS. She has her own room, at last!! She can walk around naked, dance embarrassingly without worry, play her own music at all times. Oh the delights of freedom. And of course she can now bring boys home.... dun dun dunnnnnnn.
Yup, at last, there's a boy to mention, although I'm not sure what to say. He's 22, not too tall, very typical Southern in some ways but very metropolitan in others. Quite the gentleman when it comes to dates and such. I'll update you if the dates continue!!
I think that's enough for now.
Je serai poète et toi poésie,
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