Thursday 25 August 2011


The First Day of Class
On the first day it's traditionally been considered good luck to drink from the Old Well. Traditionally, the frat boys have always pissed in it the night before.  

Luckily for us it's no longer a well but a water fountain. Oh and they give out bottles of it the night before classes begin.

The first day of 'real' UNC life began on Tuesday and what a day!! It started off pretty mundane, eight o'clock crawl from bedroom to bathroom, glaring at the carolina-blue sky outside as it  blinded my sleepy eyes. Then the nine o'clock trek from South Campus Horton to top-of-the-North-Campus Caldwell Hall. At this particular moment everything was going a long just as a first day should be.

My first lecturer, Professor Lescher, introduced the class to German Idealism and Continental philosophy. I sat scribbling furious notes and trying to focus on understanding the quotes from Kant. I think it's going to be quite a useful class although I'm not looking forward to buying all the books he's recommended. First stop today is going to be the library's philosophy section.

Anyway, after class,  by-passing the Old Well, I ran into Abby Hart then ambled down to the Library to meet up with some of the others. This eventually ended up with Alex and I going for Lunch, only, we decided to go for Chick-Fil-A. ERROR.

It ought to come with a warning. Chick-fil-A, for all those nut-allergy sufferers out there, is cooked in peanut oil and they don't come with a disclaimer sign like most would. Not going to lie, tasted pretty good, if a little odd. KEEP AWAY smart nutters. Anyway, this small mishap meant I went to the health centre, made friends with the nurses and was given a shot of the epinephrine/adrenaline that I've never used before. Then they dosed me up on these heavy pills. The whole thing was hilarious, I couldn't stop laughing.

And then there was the EARTHQUAKE!!

This is one of the News reports of the earthquake.

It was really strange because at first we all thought it was construction or something because it was just a rumble but then we properly started going up and down!! I thought that I was hallucinating or imagining it at first too because of the crazy drugs but apparently that wasn't the case and they made me sit and 'try to ignore it'. That's good advice right? How to protect yourself in an earthquake - pretend it's not happening.

Anyway, so after that things were kind of calm. I went to my first lecture with Simon Blackburn (which was AWESOME). He's pretty cool, seems quite chilled and dislikes the 2.5 hour lecture as much as we do. Who seriously thinks a young-adults brain is going to stay alert and brilliant for 2.5hours from 4pm to 6:30pm???

So we left early, had dinner in Lenoir - I was still high as a kite from whatever the nurses gave me - and had fun with the nalgene machine.

That evening we went to a 21st of a girl called Emma Edwards from the first frat party we went to!  She's lovely, crazy curly haired (on the night) with a huge smile and a really good laugh - we all turned up and she was wearing a huge medallion with the twenty-one things she had to do on her twenty-first. I so want one of those for mine! We scuttled between that party and the frat party down the road (another Phi-Delt party) and just managed to escape the house before the cops came to break it up!! Luckily Emma's bash was still in full-swing so we just went back and had a rave over there. Most of the invitees were part of a hip-hop dance group too so they were AMAZING dancers which made me and Fiona a wee bit nervous at times I think.

The way home was just as eventful - as Andrea and I made the trip back on the P-2-P, a fight broke out on the bus, a drunk girl made me promise to go to Las Vegas when I turn 21 and a sophomore asked me out on a coffee date!

These people are CRAZY.

Next time, I'll tell you all about Irene.

Je serai poète et toi poésie,

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