Saturday 23 July 2011

The Scribbler on Tour

Another wonderful blogger who focuses on travel writing (there and back again) reminded me of the brilliance of Tolkein's travel quotes and just like her I'm jetsetting across the Atlantic to go and experience something new! I haven't arrived yet of course but I'm readying myself for the journey and this page is about to become my tick list of places that I want to go in my year in America. 

The quote that she used is this: "It's a dangerous business going out your front door. You step on to the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." Which of course is perfect - there's that sense of excitement and anticipation and slight nervousness like when a bug lands on your back and you feel it but by the time you reach for it it's gone.

Here is a rough list of what I want to do: 

I know that I want to Greyhound Bus around the country. 


Bourbon Street -New Orleans

Harry Potter Land

And meet extreme Democrats/Republicans

For now - because I'm going to try and brainstorm many exciting things when I have a wee bit more time - this is going to look a little insipid because I've not made many plans yet and I want to talk to people about places to go. If anyone has any suggestions then please let me know. 

Je serai poète et toi poésie,

1 comment:

  1. Not gonna lie, I lol'd at the bug simile.

    Also, I think some of your goals will be easier than others =) but all of them yield some good fun, so long as you look for it in the right way... the extremists are better off not being taken too seriously >.<


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